Good Afternoon, ladys and Gentlemen.



I found this thread yesterday altough ive nearly spent the whole last week here.

My Names Spandam, but also often called Zepharn. Or Zeph. Yes, call me Spandam or Zeph, I dont like the Name "Zepharn".
The "arn" sounds not good, hum?.

Age: Youre not interested
Gender: Ok, Male, but i wont tell you more
From: Austria. Thats all you have to know.
Real Name: ;P
Real Life?: Yes, i have one.

:D Hope we're al gonna be good friends :D

Oh, and i like Pokémon. And Chocolate.
Ohai! I would write a longer welcome, but I am literally about to fall asleep in my chair.
I Know. but im not creative enough to write an interesting and amusing welcome-text :(
I would..but i cant..... *sniff

okay, ill do. for you :D where? here? as a reply? or a new thread
I Know. but im not creative enough to write an interesting and amusing welcome-text :(
I would..but i cant..... *sniff

okay, ill do. for you :D where? here? as a reply? or a new thread
You can edit your original post, just click the edit button! Hooray!

Also, Welcome to team9000! Glad to have you aboard, hope you enjoy yourself here! Now give us all your pineapples, or else.

I write long messages, so be prepared to massage your eyeballs after I'm done.

Hopefully we can get along quite well, mostly everyone is friendly and easy-going on T9k.
We also play various games and have live streams on and our live button on top of the page.

Currently the web-page is being re-designed by the awesome Team9000 crew, so you cannot see the game list just yet. But when you get it, you'll see who is online and on what game.

We have mumble voice chat, and text chat. Usually this is where most people sign on. Everyone is welcome, but remember, only 18 and above can use voice chat, and everything is based on your Team9000 forum information. Everyone can use text-chat, so don't worry if you cannot speak to anyone.

O and if this is your first time, we have some nutheads.


Welcome to Team9000!!