Good evenin'.


New Member
Hey there!

My name's Hawkzy, Tom in the real world. I'm fourteen years of age and I'm from Adelaide, Australia. I just wanted to say hey, and that I hope this community doesn't die on me like the others did.
I'd usually make a 500 word or so introduction about my life, but I got some builds to make in the Freebuild server. See y'all in there. :)

PS. Oh yeah, I also do Dubstep mixes.
Thanks, everyone. Already got myself into it, connecting to Mumble and seeing that some people love it when Text-To-Speech says 'cmon'. You'll find out why. ;)
I don't know what it is, but we apparently attract new members from Australia en masse.

And ohai. :pika:
Indeed its almost like Australia is like this:

But anyways Australians are awesome, glad to have you in Team9000!
Hey there!

My name's Hawkzy, Tom in the real world. I'm fourteen years of age and I'm from Adelaide, Australia. I just wanted to say hey, and that I hope this community doesn't die on me like the others did.
I'd usually make a 500 word or so introduction about my life, but I got some builds to make in the Freebuild server. See y'all in there. :)

PS. Oh yeah, I also do Dubstep mixes.
hey hawk remember me :D