Good free antivirus software?


Well-Known Member
My computer came with a free subscription to WebRoot AntiVirus Software.
It's not bad, but the subscription ends in like 2 weeks! :o
I need some good Antivirus Software, pronto, but it needs to be freeeee!
Free Antivirus Software.
Post whatever.
Insert random crap +antivirus suggestions belooooowww.....
I use Avast! I'm happy with it. Tho the "Avast! Virus database has been updated!" that comes every other time I start my PC is quite annoying. Otherwise I see nothing bad about Avast!
I use Avast! I'm happy with it. Tho the "Avast! Virus database has been updated!" that comes every other time I start my PC is quite annoying. Otherwise I see nothing bad about Avast!
Avast is the only true Free one you should ever use. :thumbsup:
I have been using microsoft security essentials as of late. It updates it's self as part of windows, and it very resource efficient.