Greetings from opticraft!!


New Member
I have now moved on to this server as i quit opticraft. You might be seeing me a lot around here. Over at opticraft i was a builder. Well, now i'm just a guest here but i'll be ranking up soon.

In case you want to see my builds from opticraft, here they are.



Guest Spawn:


Sears Tower:

Sand Castle:



Greenhouse type thing?:

Alien type thingy inspired by Zoogoo40's alien castle:



Wow these are some nice builds! with these kind of builds you will rank up in no time. its nice to have another very talented person here on team9000. Welcome and i hope you enjoy your stay at team9000. and just for good measure :nyan: we will try to keep your builds from griefers in guest but im afraid your best bet will just be waiting until you are cool rank and you can build on the cool worlds. but with these kind of builds im sure you will get it in no time.
Wow these are some nice builds! with these kind of builds you will rank up in no time. its nice to have another very talented person here on team9000. Welcome and i hope you enjoy your stay at team9000. and just for good measure :nyan: we will try to keep your builds from griefers in guest but im afraid your best bet will just be waiting until you are cool rank and you can build on the cool worlds. but with these kind of builds im sure you will get it in no time.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm not as good of a builder as i used to be though. Sadly i have lost most of my motivation/creativity so don't expect too much from me. I have an application up for the cool rank right now. *crosses fingers*

Man this looks soo much like a rank up anyways luv ur builds! <3

I have now moved on to this server as i quit opticraft. You might be seeing me a lot around here. Over at opticraft i was a builder. Well, now i'm just a guest here but i'll be ranking up soon.

In case you want to see my builds from opticraft, here they are.



Guest Spawn:


Sears Tower:

Sand Castle:



Greenhouse type thing?:

Alien type thingy inspired by Zoogoo40's alien castle:



Welcome to team9000.
also just a hint ANYTHING made on another server doesnt count towards promo here ;D
Well, good thing you moved here, was a right decision. Awsome builds you build there, I really like them. I hope you have a great career here, maybe we'll see you as an admin here in some time ;)

Btw, why did you move? :)
Btw, why did you move? :)

IMO, opticraft is not a good place to be. Everybody has no sense of their own judgement if you know what i mean by that.
Nobody will point something out until an admin points it out first. They will do it overkill too.

Here comes story time!
There are a lot of stories but this is the latest one. Back when i got promoted to builder, the standards were much higher than they are now. So somebody finally pointed it out by making a thread because people were getting promoted for very little work. It was a suggestion. I supported it because there were too many builders and there was no space to build.

Well, that day somebody was mini-modding on a completely different thread, so an admin pointed it out and said to stop mini-modding. Right after that an operator accused me and the creator of the other thread to be mini-modding. It was a suggestion. Then later that day, the same operator accused 2 other people of mini-modding. It goes to show that if the admin never pointed out that somebody was mini-modding than that operator wouldn't have pointed it out.

That has happened to many times it's ridiculous. Plus people are just literally waiting to be offended and make the other person look bad. Plus, if anything makes an admin look bad on that server then they delete the topic. I once got banned for 7 days because i pointed out that an admin was being "fake". Any suggestion made to the server is simply "not needed" even if it's a good suggestion. It's just a giant ass kissing competition.

It's not really a reason to leave but that server was becoming overflooded and i haven't been active there in about 3 months so i thought i would just say my goodbyes.
IMO, opticraft is not a good place to be. Everybody has no sense of their own judgement if you know what i mean by that.
Nobody will point something out until an admin points it out first. They will do it overkill too.

Here comes story time!
There are a lot of stories but this is the latest one. Back when i got promoted to builder, the standards were much higher than they are now. So somebody finally pointed it out by making a thread because people were getting promoted for very little work. It was a suggestion. I supported it because there were too many builders and there was no space to build.

Well, that day somebody was mini-modding on a completely different thread, so an admin pointed it out and said to stop mini-modding. Right after that an operator accused me and the creator of the other thread to be mini-modding. It was a suggestion. Then later that day, the same operator accused 2 other people of mini-modding. It goes to show that if the admin never pointed out that somebody was mini-modding than that operator wouldn't have pointed it out.

That has happened to many times it's ridiculous. Plus people are just literally waiting to be offended and make the other person look bad. Plus, if anything makes an admin look bad on that server then they delete the topic. I once got banned for 7 days because i pointed out that an admin was being "fake". Any suggestion made to the server is simply "not needed" even if it's a good suggestion. It's just a giant ass kissing competition.

It's not really a reason to leave but that server was becoming overflooded and i haven't been active there in about 3 months so i thought i would just say my goodbyes.
Dont worry, you will have a better time here than that other server...
Team9000 isn't like that. Be genuine; don't grief; and make good, helpful suggestions. That way, you will get respect.
We are a friendly, relaxed bunch here. Have fun, and welcome to the club.
Welcome! If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone here and we'll be more than happy to help out. ;)
OMG the great Wooty, the owner himself replied to this thread :O corourke, feel special. :P

IMO, opticraft is not a good place to be. Everybody has no sense of their own judgement if you know what i mean by that.
Nobody will point something out until an admin points it out first. They will do it overkill too.

Here comes story time!
There are a lot of stories but this is the latest one. Back when i got promoted to builder, the standards were much higher than they are now. So somebody finally pointed it out by making a thread because people were getting promoted for very little work. It was a suggestion. I supported it because there were too many builders and there was no space to build.

Well, that day somebody was mini-modding on a completely different thread, so an admin pointed it out and said to stop mini-modding. Right after that an operator accused me and the creator of the other thread to be mini-modding. It was a suggestion. Then later that day, the same operator accused 2 other people of mini-modding. It goes to show that if the admin never pointed out that somebody was mini-modding than that operator wouldn't have pointed it out.

That has happened to many times it's ridiculous. Plus people are just literally waiting to be offended and make the other person look bad. Plus, if anything makes an admin look bad on that server then they delete the topic. I once got banned for 7 days because i pointed out that an admin was being "fake". Any suggestion made to the server is simply "not needed" even if it's a good suggestion. It's just a giant ass kissing competition.

It's not really a reason to leave but that server was becoming overflooded and i haven't been active there in about 3 months so i thought i would just say my goodbyes.
Yeah, I mean we also have many builders and they are very trolly, but we are a great community altogether, and I really love T9K. I have tried out plenty of other Classic/Beta Servers, and none of them is as good and as friendly as T9K. Have Fun man! :D
Team9000 is a much better organized server than opticraft is, however we do have a friendly rivalry between our servers and the moderators from both servers visit eachothers servers on occasion. Team9000 has a fairly large support base for the classic server and opticraft really does not, which is a drawback from them, even though they have been working on this problem. opticraft does have some amazing builders though, guys like mrmonkey and morten are crazy good at building and there are a few others but those two have stood out over there.

so, welcome to team9000, enjoy your stay, and do know that we are far more than just minecraft, we are a gaming community and we hold most games as equal. so hang out for a while, hop on mumble, and all around have fun.
But wait, I'm not done yet! I'll double the offer! Team9000 also has an amazing beta server which is newly revamped and better than ever, call now!:mays:

That was fun talking like Billy Mays for a change.:D

I lol'd. That was clever.

OMG the great Wooty, the owner himself replied to this thread :O corourke, feel special. :P

Yeah, I mean we also have many builders and they are very trolly, but we are a great community altogether, and I really love T9K. I have tried out plenty of other Classic/Beta Servers, and none of them is as good and as friendly as T9K. Have Fun man! :D

Yes I do feel special. Thanks everybody!