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Guest Map


Here's another suggestion I've thought of recently. Perhaps changing up the guest map every once and a while, the guest map we have now is really good but can get boring. It has a mixture of a lot of different elements like having a river, and it luckily isn't flatgrass, because I hate flatgrass! But I think some variety would be nice and here's why: the map we have right now is good, but it gets old after 500 maps. I'm not suggesting we throw it out completely, but throw in a few unique maps every once and a while. Like having a mountain themed guest map, there wouldn't be very much flat terrain, except at the bottom, so the builds would be more diverse to conform to the rugged terrain, so there couldn't be as many of the average houses we see all the time. We'd get more unique builds and it would keep things interesting! We could still keep the regular flow of our usual guest map, but maybe throw in a few curve balls every once and a while to spice things up! Let me know what you guys think about this idea! :D

Here's some of the default map types that we could use when generating a new world: http://www.fcraft.net/wiki//Gen
Actually, I agree with this. It would be nice to have some actual landscape to work with.

If you are going to be around long enough to play special guests, then you will be ranked, and the Zones are exactly what you mentioned. So in the end, its the same thing. Yeah, you don't have 200 people on one map, but a "special" guest world wouldn't be around long enough for that anyways. Zones are for the people who actually stick around and build, and they offer something different then the guest world.
Ok, I see your point, perhaps we could make the cool maps have unique terrains? It could be something the guests look forward to, and plus the cools/builders would probably make better use of it. The zone maps are still just normal maps with themes to the builds, and we don't really have any maps with unique terrain, so I think this would be a good idea. Sticking to the normal guest map will be fine, but I think we should atleast do this with the cool worlds! :D
Well lets say we did this and made a cool world have a different terrain. You said that it could be something the cools and builders look forward to, but how are you planning we do this? Like for every 100 guest world the admins and some of the team9000 community come up with a theme for it. When would these special terrain cool worlds be put in place? Would it be every 10 cool worlds or something? What did you have in mind? Also keep in mind that the guest and cool worlds are not that big, so trying to fit a mountain terrain with out crowding everything would be kind of difficult I think.
I was thinking for the cool worlds to have a unique map every 5 or so normal ones. We don't go through then to quickly so every 5 maps would still be an occasion. Also, you'd be surprised how much you fit into a mountain world (I'm not thinking of really high peaks to the sky limit but more like big hills), but there are more possible themes available other than mountains of you guys don't want that.
I brought up the idea for having additonal cool+ /j mountain /j dessert /j plain and /j ocean maps a while back. All I got out of it was people feel that the current maps are absolutly perfect and there is no point in making new maps with specific building in mind.

I think if we added a map specifically for people who love building the large buildings that they build in cool where they have to clear an absolutly massive ammount of space for the base to be flat, or where they want to build ships more massive than anything possable in the cool oceans, they should be able to have a world set catering to that. (although plains does not mean it has to be an absolutly flat map, could have some higher spots and lower spots to make it interesting, but overall relativly flat, not too deep and a very high build ceiling to better facilitate tall and wide towers and other builds that require large ammounts of flat land. The argument is that only flat levels are boreing, but they're not the only levels and they're ones people would specifically have to choose from out of the list of many worlds)

Then, a mountains level where you could build massive tunnel complexes, massive bridges over large spans, and really anything that would take well to having very large mountains which extend to the build ceiling, and have about 4-5 blocks all around below them to tunnel between mountains. (Plus have some mountain streams through them)

Dessert could range from another flat-ish map to a partially flat map on a slope with some dessert mountains or dunes around it. I don't know exactly what you could build there, but it would be a very cool thing to see what people would build there.

And, of course, an ocean map, would be used for large ships, naval battles, underwater builds and who knows what else that would require a larger ocean than the cool ocean. It would be like having the cool ocean all the way around the map and beaches surrounding it, with some islands in the middle of the ocean. Not a totally flat ocean with absolutly no obstructions, but rather one where anything ocean or island could be built.

I think if we did something like that, we would save on room in cool worlds for general builds, and the people who build specific build types like ships, tunnels, towers and buildings that take up a lot of land, (maybe cities) or really any other build requiring large ammounts of flat land, would all be very pleased, and the jack-of-all-trades cool map would be good for everybody that wants to build general buildings in an eclectic setting with whatever else there too.

Now if only somebody could get tnt to work... that would be soooo handy in sooo many applications...
I think you were responded with "We have zones for that." Not cool worlds. In fact, there are many zones that you could venture in and unleash your creativity. If you cannot find a zone that suits what you need, you can apply for one. However, zones are rarely granted with just a "I think it would be cool" or "We don't have this, let's do it". You got to prove that the zone is worthy of being created and you will spend time building in it. Look around in the forums, most of the older zones are achieved through hard work and dedication from the builder (not the rank) who applied for it. Discussing your idea with minecraft classic admins like Casham and Casey will most likely help lead you in the right direction.
First off, we have worlds with special terrains. They are called zones. I also believe we have a thread for requesting zones. You should probably check that out. A zone world is not a generic world like the guest or cool worlds. Zone worlds are created with the theme in mind. If a mountain theme is decided on, then there will be a world with a mountain made. While I understand the idea, its already there in place, people just don't look around enough to see it.
so i checked out the link calebhess posted for info on worlds and the mountain one is what i was looking for because that is the one i was wondering about.

this is what i found:

this might just be me but that does actually pretty cool. it makes it look more like survival.
however i think that if we did make a zone/map with this kind of theme that there should be a valley at the bottom of some of the mountains and not just small annoying hills everywhere you turn.
First off, we have worlds with special terrains. They are called zones. I also believe we have a thread for requesting zones. You should probably check that out. A zone world is not a generic world like the guest or cool worlds. Zone worlds are created with the theme in mind. If a mountain theme is decided on, then there will be a world with a mountain made. While I understand the idea, its already there in place, people just don't look around enough to see it.
For all the zone worlds I've seen, I haven't seen much variety in the terrain. I think I, along with most people, just think of them as themed builds. Not really so much different terrain. Although the zones may be a solution, I think implementing them on the cool worlds would be better. Seeing as you can build anything on a cool worlds, you wouldn't be limited to the themes of the zones. Another possible solution would be to have multiple maps called "mountains, desert, winter, etc...) for builders+ which would also work well.
We can have zone19 as Moutain zone where you build things on mountain. That is as random as you can get. Not much restrictions there. However, I do not like the idea of an Ocean zone full of water. That much water sure will be nasty to clear out if you build a ship or a submarine.
Cool worlds will not be randomized. They were made specifically to be flat so people could build whatever they wanted. If you want a themed terrain world, request it in the Zone thread. Thats what zones are for. As builders, you all decide on the next zone, since you will be the ones using it. While they may be themed, they are themed to what you want