Heya! The server is being raided by some things called DDOS, as much as i kno... (from ConroD)
Wait patiently and uhh... Wait until "Notch" and his team figure the problem out =)
You could get in at some times, but now it's locked down again.

Heya! The server is being raided by some things called DDOS, as much as i kno... (from ConroD)
Wait patiently and uhh... Wait until "Notch" and his team figure the problem out =)
You could get in at some times, but now it's locked down again.


Ahaha good effort man ;). A DDoS attack ( Distributed denial of service ) is when multiple locations send packets of data/spam available website resources on a collosal scale, basically leaving abosolutely no space for connection by anyone else, or by any means. Someone with a better knowledge will be able to explain better than me though, i'm sure wooty will make me look clueless haha.

Notch said:
I’ve also signed up for a DDoS protection service, and took the chance to upgrade the server hardware to a much more powerful beast. I haven’t migrated things over to that server yet, but that’s coming soon.

Taken from Notch's blog, seems he is making an effort to sort this out, the down time may be a result of the transfer.
Keep in mind, our server is up. MineCraft.net is down. Just keep trying :P (I think it's up right this instant)