Halloween Costumes (Who will YOU be this year?)


Well-Known Member
This is a "whatcha gonna be this year and what have you been in the years before" thread! I ain't copying your thread, shadowwolf! This Halloween thread is about costumes!!
So...share your memories! Here are mine (I don't know where most of my earlier pictures are, I wish I did)!
From 1995 - 2000: Completely forgot my costumes :eek:
2001: Batman
2002: Knight
2003: Zombieh
2004: Green Skeleton
2005: Gauze Zombie
2006: Bloody Scream
2007: I really don't know, just a red dude

2008: Lego Luke Skywalker (very hard to walk in)

2009: Another Gauze Zombie, but this time, I was wearing very short shorts, to make it funnier (too bad I don't have a picture of my lower body)

2010: Mr. Deadman, a green skeleton with a fancy hat and suit! Who else? Notice my derpy eyes...

I don't know what I am going to be this year.
So I think my first Halloween I was a lion. (pics later, I looked adorable..) (I was like 3 )

Then I was cookie monster. (I was 4)

Then I was charmeleon (I said I was bulbasaur though lol)

Then I was a power ranger

Then I was a ninja turtle

Then I was Luigi (home made costume :D)

Then I was a bleeding ghoul

Then I was krypt master ( whatever that is )

(forgot a couple)

Then sometime I was a hobo, (really all I did was wear a hoodie and torn jeans to get some candy)

And I forgot a few others
The Great Cornholio, Even though we don't celebrate Halloween like Americans do in Australia, it creeps people out when your screaming I am the great Cornholio, I need tp or my bumhole at 3 Am....
cant really recall. its' been awhile x( but I do remember last thing I was, was a 'bag of leaves' its just a leaf bag yew get into and tape leaves near the top. lmao but yeah. xP
Don't do anything for halloween, so nothing...though if I had about $200 I cared to spend for a costume, I would dress as Patchouli for no reason at all xP Though I'd probably do that all the time >.>;
This year Godlib and I have decided not to dress up because we have so much going on but next year I am making our costumes. Godlib will be a spider and I will be a fly, he is going to chase me around the parking lot. We need a friend to dress as a can of bug spray then we will have the insect circle of life. XD
Squeebz said:
This year Godlib and I have decided not to dress up because we have so much going on but next year I am making our costumes. Godlib will be a spider and I will be a fly, he is going to chase me around the parking lot. We need a friend to dress as a can of bug spray then we will have the insect circle of life. XD

Very creative!
The Great Cornholio, Even though we don't celebrate Halloween like Americans do in Australia, it creeps people out when your screaming I am the great Cornholio, I need tp or my bumhole at 3 Am....
You just do it for the lollies, yes?
This year Godlib and I have decided not to dress up because we have so much going on but next year I am making our costumes. Godlib will be a spider and I will be a fly, he is going to chase me around the parking lot. We need a friend to dress as a can of bug spray then we will have the insect circle of life. XD
That is just...beautiful...