Halo 4 Alpha Build Menu Potentially Leaked

Real or not you decide!

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Well-Known Member

The video you just watched is a snip from a potentially pre-release date obtained copy of Halo: CEA. There is no information or official confirmation If the video in question is a confirmed leak but the video seems legit, but I may be wrong.

A few notes:

Forge may have been changed to "cartographer".

Chronicles: A potential new feature, may be a type of collection of data or example the terminals in Halo: CEA.

New Intel: Maybe a gateway for future information for Halo 4 updated via CEA.

Note that the notes I have posted above are pure speculation and said video may be fake but do not be quick to judge due to lack of game play.

My personal opinion is that If this is a confirmed leak, I will be genuinely happy to see alpha game play of Halo 4 and will most likely be sufficiently entertained with this so called "chronicles".

Personal opinions are appreciated.
On the Youtube page for this vid it says that if you decipher a particular code you can get to watch the whole vid unedited.

Code: 0G4S8K6/7YU3C56689
I believe it about this much: 0

It's either a viral marketing campaign, or the uploader is full of carp.
Hmmm... I'm a bit skeptical about this, the menu seems strangely legitimate. I think if anyone could figure that code they'd have put it in the comments, but there are none which have it, wich either means it doesn't mean anything, or, the person who uploaded this video is extremely smart.