Halo Thread


Well-Known Member
So, after selling my soul by buying an xbone (though I did get Shadows of Mordor and Alien Isolation, which are nice), waiting a few days to get the game, waiting a few hours to download the only one of the 5 bundled games I actually wanted to play, I finally was able to play Halo 2 Anniversary. Not sure what to say review-wise: I love Halo 2, and this lets me go from updated graphics to the original graphics (though in hd) with the press of a button, so there really isn't anything to complain about. Updated cutscenes are cool, though it's a bit weird that we went from a demo with Johnson bragging about the lack of pre-rendered cutscenes all those years ago to all the cutscenes being pre-rendered now.

Halo 2 Anniversary is the same game, mechanics-wise, as the original, so all the crazy things you could do before can still be done. For me, that's using a ghost for as long as I possibly can (landed it on the scarab, need to try a warthog again), arming my allies to the teeth with as many rocket-launchers, energy-swords (elites), and fuel-rod guns (my grunts are the most terrifying grunts) as I can find, and hopefully finding that spot on Delta Halo that I can use a ghost to gain access to the entire map.

Forge is looking pretty cool, especially with those new switch/toggle controls. Should make things a lot more interesting when you can spawn in/out walls/buildings during actual matches.
Surprised by the lack of problems you reported in your post. I don't have a xbone or MCC but all I see on r/halo is people not even able to get a game for hours at a time and when they do the game will freeze, crash, half the team will dc and every single playlist is glitched. Maybe its a vocal minority but I'm curious what problems you're experiencing if any.
Well, matchmaking is broken for me, so that's a thing. Also, new forge options are sweet.

On another and more important note, did anyone see the slew of Halo 5: Guardians gameplay? I'm actually quite impressed and looking forward to playing the beta (an actual beta in the sense of the word) in December.

"failure to launch"
Oh no, matchmaking might have to wait a few days. It's too bad this collection will only be available for a week, and that online multiplayer makes up 100% of the game, otherwise you could afford to be patient, play the story mode, or work on some really cool forge maps. /s

When it comes to server-related projects, the safest approach is to roll out services/updates to a small number of people at a time, and gradually add more people. This minimizes the amount of damage a new service or update can do. Game companies are at the disadvantage of having all of their services rolled out at once, sometimes behind schedule (even with a beta, we're still talking about a pretty substantial jump). All this outrage isn't making matchmaking work any sooner, and I just think that it's silly for people to be so upset over such a temporary issue.
Oh no, matchmaking might have to wait a few days. It's too bad this collection will only be available for a week, and that online multiplayer makes up 100% of the game, otherwise you could afford to be patient, play the story mode, or work on some really cool forge maps. /s

When it comes to server-related projects, the safest approach is to roll out services/updates to a small number of people at a time, and gradually add more people. This minimizes the amount of damage a new service or update can do. Game companies are at the disadvantage of having all of their services rolled out at once, sometimes behind schedule (even with a beta, we're still talking about a pretty substantial jump). All this outrage isn't making matchmaking work any sooner, and I just think that it's silly for people to be so upset over such a temporary issue.

m8 it's more then just some server matchmaking problems.

Also, I honestly couldn't care how many updates they give us, the fact this even happens is inexcusable and giving 343 any slack what so ever is ridiculous. If this game had any form of QA/was delayed like it should have been half the stuff would have been found and fixed, there is no excuse for just how broken this game is, and I'm not talking about server problems.
If this was any other game people would have already burned the company at the stake and people would be 10x more pissed, but since it's halo everyone is a apologetic for 343/halo. There is no excuse for this type of launch and I honestly couldn't care how many times frank says sorry, sorry doesn't fix a game launch or the impression it's already made. This trend of every single big AAA game that's come out over the last year being broken on day 1 and people being apologetic to the creators is ludicrous.

Having said that, I can't wait to go over to my friends house Saturday to play this.

m8 it's more then just some server matchmaking problems.

Also, I honestly couldn't care how many updates they give us, the fact this even happens is inexcusable and giving 343 any slack what so ever is ridiculous. If this game had any form of QA/was delayed like it should have been half the stuff would have been found and fixed, there is no excuse for just how broken this game is, and I'm not talking about server problems.
If this was any other game people would have already burned the company at the stake and people would be 10x more pissed, but since it's halo everyone is a apologetic for 343/halo. There is no excuse for this type of launch and I honestly couldn't care how many times frank says sorry, sorry doesn't fix a game launch or the impression it's already made. This trend of every single big AAA game that's come out over the last year being broken on day 1 and people being apologetic to the creators is ludicrous.

Having said that, I can't wait to go over to my friends house Saturday to play this.

To be fair, I've only experienced bugs whilst playing multiplayer, which is for the most part working absolutely fine for me now (not that I'm excusing 343 for their failed MP launch). Besides that, single player has Bern consistently smooth with the framerate dropping twice in total. Hell, the only issue I have is that to view terminals you need to go through the Halo: Channel, which is not only bloody annoying, compounded by the fact that there's been a multitude of issues streaming.