Happy Pioneer Day!!! (if you live in utah)


Active Member
Happy pioneer day!!! Or probably to most of you, tuesday, july 24...
For those of you who don't know... Pioneer day is the day that the mormon pioneers entered into the salt lake valley in 1847, and the prophet, brigham young, proclaimed "this is the place." its a big deal for not just mormons, but all of utah. Its kind of like our states foundation!
Hooray for Mormon Foundation Day! Today's the day we all shall dust off and wear our magical undergarments.

They're fabulous.

Why is Justin Bieber wearing grandma pants? And why did he poop in them?
These are the questions that I ask
These are the questions that I don't get an answer to

If we're really going to look at this picture, notice that he's also wearing 2 x $50,000 Rolexes,
One on either wrist
So he doesn't hurt his head checking the time

Also those shoes are worth $500 a pop easy

Also he doesn't need glasses he's just wearing them because he's stupid

There's lots of things wrong with this picture
I'm not going to offer an explanation