Harold Camping


Well-Known Member
So i'm sure all of you know who Harold Camping is. Yep! The crazy guy who predicted the world to end on the day after my birthday, May 21'st. Well he's back and with another prediction, the WORLD WILL END TOMORROW. probably. (not really)

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Tomorrow!? Oh Shit! *hides*

But seriously, he is a crackpot, a phony, a douche and a fearmongerer. If there is a heaven and a hell (and that is up to your beliefs, personally i am skeptical but open minded) he would be the first to go to hell.
Tomorrow!? Oh Shit! *hides*

But seriously, he is a crackpot, a phony, a douche and a fearmongerer. If there is a heaven and a hell (and that is up to your beliefs, personally i am skeptical but open minded) he would be the first to go to hell.
Oh man, tomorrow for you isn't to far away, i'll miss you mcfar D: (totally not serious)
Plus look at his face... O_o
It's already the 21st here..
Nothing is happening, the only thing I saw was a river of blood and some skeleton horsemen, but other than that..
A chilling edge to the breeze, a dry clarity to the air, a new rattle in the trees? It's fall, right? Yes!
We'd better believe this guy, he knows A LOT about what he's talking about, he's completely sane.
:eek: My birthday was at the 21st of May

Last day today? Only thing odd today that happened to me is that I overslept until 15:15 :confused:
You slept until 3:15PM? O.o

Yes, last day was my last one working at the red cross, stood up pretty early and visited a friend after work until 01:00 am. Anyway, I don't think I missed something today, every friend of mine has to work today and I just wanted to have a lazy day anyway.