Hello all .


Hi all,
I have posted a little bit on the minecraft beta forums, but not much of anywhere else. I figured I should make a formal hello and howdy before going any further. A little about me, I'm a system admin for a small company and my wife is a tattoo artist, both pretty heavy gamers/geeks.

I'm a fan of the classics, especially SNES rpgs, but enjoy newer games just as much. I love playing co-op multiplayer games so look me up if you are into those to. Other than that, i'm currently building my giant underground capital on the beta minecraft survival server. Hope to see ya'll around. (Yes, I'm from Texas) :) P.S. - Have a think for Felicia.. lol. The wife doesn't enjoy her as much.

Secret of Mana, mostly for the fact that I could have 2 friends play with me, which back then as unheard of!
Current games i'm missing that I really want for my SNES are:
Mario RPG
Secret of Evermore
Earthbound (I really miss playing this one)

And yeah, I could (and do) load up roms for them, but as a collector, it's just not the same.
Secret of Mana, mostly for the fact that I could have 2 friends play with me, which back then as unheard of!
Current games i'm missing that I really want for my SNES are:
Mario RPG
Secret of Evermore
Earthbound (I really miss playing this one)

And yeah, I could (and do) load up roms for them, but as a collector, it's just not the same.
I have two of those games in cartridge form (I'm sort of a collector of SNES cartridges, though it's slow moving to general video game cartridges).

I have Super Mario RPG, and EarthBound. My Earthbound cartridge is my baby. It also happens to be my favorite game ever.
Earthbound IS amazing. I have it loaded up on my ROM machine on my bigscreen, but it's something about having the cartridge...
I've got most every system though, just going slow to collect the games. Not ready to blow 100+ bucks for a good copy of earthbound and the others.
I spent more than I would like to admit on my copy of earthbound.

I also seem to be amassing systems. Currently I own:
  • Atari 2600 (it's a four switch)
  • NES (it's a little finicky at times, but it works)
  • SNES (Also a bit finicky)
  • Sega Genesis
  • Sega Dreamcast
  • Original playstation (the small one)
  • Playstation 2
  • Xbox
  • Gamecube
  • 360
  • ps3
  • I feel like I'm forgetting something
I've got:
2 NES (top and front loader)
Genesis With the addon
2 PS1, small and bigger more gray one
Atari 2600
Odyssey 2
PS2, old kind
Neo Geo
Sega Saturn
Virtual Boy
Game Boy, the big ol' one
and a couple others that I can't remember...

Mind you they are all hooked up atm.... on 4 different switches.. lol. It's a mess behind the TV.
Lol, so awesome. Your collection makes mine look meager.

I also don't have most of these hooked up (actually they're in storage, considering I live in a dorm, don't have room for all of them).