Hello Everyone in Team9000, I'm Sincerely Sorry.


New Member
Hello, from the In5omniacs.

Most of you may already know me and hate me by now. I am the creator of the video that has brought so many people here to Team9000. http://goo.gl/cUyrvq I would like to apologize for bringing so many people into the community and most of them not even going to the forums and only abusing your free servers. I did not expect so many to 'notice' the video and was only hoping for a few people like my personal friends. I'm sorry Wooty for bringing you massive amounts of people and you having to re-work the servers constantly.

Thank most of you for putting up with the new members I've sent here that actually go to the forums, but some people made me feel bad for those who don't go to the forums (even though i know the people that commented are nice people), for example



Again i apologize it was never intended for random users but for my friends a way for us to play together as you guys do. Sorry Wooty

- Vengeance.

P.S Wooty If you wish for me to take down the video i will do so, but just remember that it helped my channel grow and i appreciate it everyday, thank you for putting up with me.
Well first off, welcome to Team9000!

This is the first time I have seen you on the forums, so glad to see you here.

As for bringing in new people, as we mentioned in mumble this isn't really a huge rush of people for us (maybe for some of our newer members, but nit for those around in our minecraft days) so it's all good. I doubt Wooty has much of an issue with this, as he would probably have already contacted you if he did. While it is a little aggravating seeing people join and not be a part of the community, it is to be expected and something most of us are accustomed too. We know this isn't necessarily your fault, you can't control who is stupid and who can read. Just keep being awesome and feel free to stick around and get to know everyone. :)

Oh, and we offer many other services here too, although you found launch so I'll let you find the other stuff and if you have questions, feel free to ask.
I certainly didn't intend to make you feel bad, it was less directed at you and more at the masses of people not really understanding what it was about, so I'm sorry if it came across that way.

Since you're here, I'd like to welcome you to Team9000 and wish you an enjoyable time here, if you intend to hang around. Which I hope you do.
Welcome to the community!

It's only expected that such an event would have that effect, and I seriously doubt that Wooty minds too much.

It's only been a little irritating, and not at all inhibiting to anything we do around here. It hasn't been any harm, just a little annoying.

And if anything, the hostility doesn't go to you at all, it's the people who keep asking after they've received an answer (several times), that are annoying.

Again, welcome to the community, I hope you'll stick around. You won't regret it.



That should show that Wooty has no problem with it.

It really hasn't brought any negative effects to anything.

I don't think you should have to worry!
I've been out of the loop for too long. I'm assuming this is the cause of the numerous people questioning about various things involving Gmod?

Regardless, welcome. It shows a lot about you that you decided to apologize openly rather than privately, so respect given. Should you decide to stay, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself here.
Thanks for apologizing and don't sweat it! The beautiful people of Team9000 have been through much worse.

So yeah welcome and I hope you'll have an awesome time with us.
Dude, for an individual like you to come on and even have the guts to not only introduce yourself, but be mature about it and also apologize well worth beyond your time is amiable. Do not be discouraged by any means. We seldom bite unless we have a valid reason to.

In fact, please enjoy your time here with us in the Community.

Oh and what the heck,
and welcome to Team9000! :D
Ohai there! Yeah I don't think ya need to apologize for anything :). If anything should totally tell ya thank you for making a promotion vid for the services and getting the word out there about T9k. Although launch is just a small part of what makes this community awesome as we do have a host of other services for linking friends together.

But yeah, can't expect everyone to really intend to join the community as most people are only after free services no matter where it comes from, however the people that join up and actually do check out the community a bit more in depth will find a decent group of friends that makes this so much more :).

Gl on the vids and welcome to T9k :D!


P.S. Can ya add in description something like "Hosted by http://www.team9000.net/" for videos that used launch?
Hai there! Welcome to our wonderful community of awesome!

Now I understand where the people have been coming from xD Anyway, don't worry about it! Feel free to stay around and hang out with everyone here (hopefully you will be around more than I am xD)
ohai there! I wont repeat everything that everyone else has said, and will only say that you're welcome here, and if your friends are avid gamers like most of us here are, make sure to invite them aswell! :)
Not gonna lie I am way out of the loop nowadays so I didn't even know this was a thing.

Anyways welcome to the family where you can check out but you can never leave. (not quite true but who cares)

Honestly I'm glad you did it, more randoms means more committed members of t9k. It is just like classic for every 100 that joined at least 1-10 would become an actual member. Keep up the good work mate and feel free to use us in more videos. I am sure there are plenty of community members who would love to hang out.

This post was made by Wooty a month ago...

If there were any problems, he would have asked for a take down already.



Hi and welcome to the community, I'm glad you're enjoying the services offered and please tell your friends to stop by and say hi! All are welcome!!! Check out our game nights! There's a thread in the forums and they're crazy fun time.

Congrats on the huge popularity of your video. I've honestly enjoyed the huge influx of people because ever since the minecraft server went down there haven't been many new members. While some people's behavior has been slightly annoying, I don't think anyone ever hated you or them.
Welcome to the community! Sorry if the tone of my comment came across as harsh; I was just trying to divert some of the question-askers away from you :p

You mentioned in your video that you'll be doing some recordings on our servers, I believe. If so, feel free to post them up here in the video games forum.
Ohai there! Yeah I don't think ya need to apologize for anything :). If anything should totally tell ya thank you for making a promotion vid for the services and getting the word out there about T9k. Although launch is just a small part of what makes this community awesome as we do have a host of other services for linking friends together.

But yeah, can't expect everyone to really intend to join the community as most people are only after free services no matter where it comes from, however the people that join up and actually do check out the community a bit more in depth will find a decent group of friends that makes this so much more :).

Gl on the vids and welcome to T9k :D!


P.S. Can ya add in description something like "Hosted by http://www.team9000.net/" for videos that used launch?

Was in the description, moved it to the very top so everyone can see.