Hello! I need help.


New Member
Hey there. I've been playing on your minecraft server for about a week now, and it is by far the best one I've been on. I tried to join it today, and it said my IP was banned. I really enjoyed your server, and did nothing wrong, or anything that would warrant a ban, and believe this is a mistake. Could I please be un-banned, so I can continue to play on your server?
Bans are handed out like candy to griefers and people who make rude things. You might have been accidentally hit, or someone reported you griefing. I'm sure Wooty will handle this fairly when he sees this though.
ok thanks. maybe I was just clicked on by mistake or something. I was building a house, and suddenly got kicked.

You've built 100 blocks and removed over 2000. I don't know what kind of house you were building.
lol it's my first time building. i was building a building underground, and just started to lay the first bricks when I was kicked