Hello im aarondojunkim


New Member
Hello Team9000! my nAME IS aARON! I usually play ablockz, but first I want to introduce myself. (oh and I want an unban because I griefed, im so sorry guys)
We usually do not unban for grief, unless you have a very good reason for it. Also, you can make an appeal at https://www.team9000.net/forums/ban-appeals-abuse-reports-admin-requests.22/ if you were banned from Classic or https://www.team9000.net/forums/ban-appeals-abuse-reports-admin-requests.31/ if you were banned from Minecraft 1.0. (Survival or Creative).
That, and:

Welcome to Team9000. Enjoy your stay. If you ever need any masks, talk to me. I am THE Mask Salesman.
We can work something out...

I'm also one of those rare Canadian folks you see sometimes.
I say eh, and drink gallons of maple syrup in one sitting.