Hello im Heavenscentwa


New Member
Hi if you are reading this (probably not) but i am new, and i would love some help. if you want to help me just ask me in game.:thumbsup:
Hi if you are reading this (probably not) but i am new, and i would love some help. if you want to help me just ask me in game.:thumbsup:

Lol, not a problem. just lemme know what you need and i'll see what info i can give :D ps, I'm mightythedj23 on the servers, if that makes it easier :P
Hey im Drangonboy. have an awesome time on the server. during short term survival good luck finding wood and you wont see any diamonds. no diamonds at all so ya have a good time:D
Welcome to Team 9000.
Hope you have a terrific stay and enjoy the forums and the servers as well.
Hope to see you there.