Hello, it's good to be back after 2.5 years!


New Member
I originally joined team 9000 a few months after purchasing mc in 1.7/1.6. I recently remembered the name, found the forum, and here I am.

I remember how amazing all the towns looked, as I only played survival, and spent most time mining.

I am a little curious, does my old friend diamondgirl still play, or is registered on the forums? I can't find her anywhere, and I would like to get back in touch with her, as she helped me understand how servers work, and plugins, etc.
I originally joined team 9000 a few months after purchasing mc in 1.7/1.6. I recently remembered the name, found the forum, and here I am.

I remember how amazing all the towns looked, as I only played survival, and spent most time mining.

I am a little curious, does my old friend diamondgirl still play, or is registered on the forums? I can't find her anywhere, and I would like to get back in touch with her, as she helped me understand how servers work, and plugins, etc.

I remember diamondgirl. Unfortunately, I believe she was banned, at least from survival, a long time ago for being under the age requirement of 13. I haven't seen her since, but I do remember her saying she would still be on the official minecraft forums, or something like that. We also do not have an official team9000 survival server anymore. Lots has changed but you are welcome to stay. Welcome back.
Welcome back to Team9000! Although, T9k no longer has an official Survival Server around anymore, feel free to check out other servers hosted by members of T9k here. And, if you're interested, check out T9k Game Nights :D
So do you even have a server anymore?
Not hosted by the man you would remember as Wooty (he goes by Wooty now). The most similar community-run server to the ways of the old one would be StTheo's - information is on the front page. Sooooooooo...sort of? If you like mods of minecraft, there are other servers hosted by other community members.
I haven't talked to diamondgirl for a while but she's somewhat still active on other sites. I can also confirm she was banned due to her age on here.
That was a really fun server! I'll try to check out Sonic's!

Do you know anyway I can contact her? And what was her age back in 2011?
Ah, yes, Diamond_Girl. As I remember it, she wouldn't let me into NCC, so I kinda cried a little on the inside.

I remember her, i almost joined NCC when it got made but ended up joining a private town with TRIFORCE , also didn't she have a brother who played on this server and was part of creeper town? been trying to remember his name but i think it was thatispeter or nynameispeter or therealpeter or something along those lines.
I remember her as well. She helped me when I was still learning the basics of survival in minecraft. Also, welcome back! You can't ever leave T9K!
i meant NCC :/

Both the first and second NCCs suffered horrible fates.

The first one, as you previously mentioned, turned into a lawless hellhole. Its leadership was nonexistent, the poor architecture added up to create an ugly monstrosity, and above all, its poor protection meant it was regularly griefed.

The second one had promise at first; the architecture had improved and it seemed like NCC would be a power to be reckoned with. Then Diamond_Girl was banned and all of the protection on the city was removed. In no time, the entire city was abandoned and heavily griefed to create what was called the NCC Ruins. The only thing it was good for was the nether access (since it was close to spawn).

By joining a private town, you dodged a bullet.
...you dodged a bullet.
I originally joined team 9000 a few months after purchasing mc in 1.7/1.6. I recently remembered the name, found the forum, and here I am.

I remember how amazing all the towns looked, as I only played survival, and spent most time mining.

I am a little curious, does my old friend diamondgirl still play, or is registered on the forums? I can't find her anywhere, and I would like to get back in touch with her, as she helped me understand how servers work, and plugins, etc.
I don't remember you, but I do remember sweet young diamond girl and how she met her terrible fate. Welcome back, not many folk left from the 1.7 beta map anymore.
Ahhh good times, i remember the biodome, and when woot decided to add pvp, and when we built the skyways and subway systems, and when we all got together and built that wooden spawn tower thing at the start of the new map, me and triforce actually built a public farm for NCC.

Also i think it was NCC that had the spleef arena.
Ahhh good times, i remember the biodome, and when woot decided to add pvp, and when we built the skyways and subway systems, and when we all got together and built that wooden spawn tower thing at the start of the new map, me and triforce actually built a public farm for NCC.

Also i think it was NCC that had the spleef arena.

It did.

(Note: The only reason I know this stuff is because I did a blog series on the server's Minecraft cities way back in the day)
I remember the good old days when we used towny for fun, and not to stop the griefing 9 year olds. One of my favorite memories was I had a secret room out in the wild, it was horribly disguised though, and some one took half the meat out and left some iron and a clock. It was a nice way to pay someone back for things to save your life. As now if I built a house in the wild with a completely hidden redstone door, some 9 year old monkeys would grief everything, find the room, and grief every thing again.
That was a side track

My favorite part about NCC was the free farm. I could actually survive with the loads of bread, and I even replicated it in survival.

Yes NCC had spleef. As a noob I always wanted to play in it, but no one was on and I couldn't get in.