Hello Team9000


New Member
My name is dark_diamond72. I play the following games: Minecraft, League of Legends, Tera, and RaiderZ. I am a very active player in most games I play. I am nice and helpful to all people meet. Im not affraid to stand up for someone and help them out when they need it. I have been in a couple of communitys before so i have the idea of how this works. I look forward to playing with everyone.
Welcome to Team9000! The biggest things we value around here are maturity, respect and love of gaming. If you can handle those, you should fit in quite nicely here! I highly suggest checking out our mumble server! Voice chatting is a large part of our community and is the best way to get to know people.

Welcome to Team9000!! I am the official walrus, and I hope you enjoy your stay!!