

New Member
Hi, Im Secungo.
I live in Belgium and Im 17 years old.
I was amazaed by your huge pixelart museum with its insane creations, so I tried joining this forum.
Id like to become a builder on the server myself (specialising in 2D pixelart).
Welcome to the server.
I was wondering how this promotion thing works. Will you send me a pm and ask for my in-game name or something?
Typically it works like this.

Guest -> Cool:
You post screenshots of something cool to Minecraft Guest Promotions . Occasionally, an admin goes through and reviews these request and promotes good applications to cool.

Cool -> Builder:
Similar to the other process, we occasionally review MineCraft Build Museum . However, this happens much less often, and your build has to be pretty awesome.

Builder -> Awesome:
This rank is an invite-only process. You can't "ask" or "be reviewed" for the awesome rank.
So cool and artist are basically the same thing? (since they share the same colour)
And since pro and owner share the same colour as well, how do we know who is who?
So cool and artist are basically the same thing? (since they share the same colour)
And since pro and owner share the same colour as well, how do we know who is who?

Artist only has one more permission over cool - the ability to build in the spritebuilder world.
Also, as far as normal users are concerned, pro, proplus, and owner are all the same. All of them can fully promote, demote, and ban.

Full details of all worlds and ranks here -> Team9000 MineCraft Rules and Details
Log on and if it will say what rank you are. If you miss it, a good giveaway is the colour of your name.
We normally assume your forum name is the same as your minecraft name. If not, most people include their minecraft name in their posts or profile.
It is updated automatically, say if you are promoted to "cool" then your name in-game will be yellow instead of the guest default gray. =) welcome to t9k by the way... oh wait wrong context haha dang had a fail moment.