

New Member
hello good people of t9000. i decided to join because i was in one of your guizes minecraft classic servers and i enjoyed the people there assuming the blue named people are promoted. you will have to excuse me if i dont reply as i am getting the hang of checking forums that i hAve signed up for. i have teh derpz when it comes to forums. kthxttyl
Hm...the only cure for herpz is derpz. I suggest you go to the derptor and get that looked at. Also, this:

Your gonna fit right in just fine. :D
Welcome to Team9000.
and not that it matters or anything but...
emo fluttershy is best pony ^_^
Spoiler within a Spoiler? You know what that means.

Also, I second DJ-PON3 is Best pony, then Fluttershy as a close second.