

New Member
Hello people of this forum, I'm JoeTheSheep, but you all can call me Joe. :)

I have recently joined this forum and your Minecraft server, and wanted to introduce myself and say hey!

I love every genre of video game (favorite being open-world/rpg), and an all-around nerd.

So yeah, that's about it, happy gaming! :D

Also: Another sheep? STAAAAHP.
Hello people of this forum, I'm JoeTheSheep, but you all can call me Joe. :)

I have recently joined this forum and your Minecraft server, and wanted to introduce myself and say hey!

I love every genre of video game (favorite being open-world/rpg), and an all-around nerd.

So yeah, that's about it, happy gaming! :D
Dude, I used to hang out with Shaun all the time! Tell him I said HI!
~ Welcome to T9k, enjoy the company of the flock!

emoclew ot 9TK' yojne ruoy yats.
You butchered that... get out!

Hi Pixiel ! And everyone else who's posting in this thread because there's nothing else to talk about. :l
Magic, you whore, quit predicting the future!
Hello Joe. I also enjoy "open-world/rpg" I prefer MMO's though so...there's that I suppose? At any rate, welcome to the community.