Help! (If your amazing at java and know more than just how to google)


Well-Known Member
java.lang.arrayindexoutofboundsexception: 0

Just started getting this error.

I have the latest Java, re-installed now.

and latest wom.

i am able to sign in, however the second I choose to join t9k it freezes up with that error.
Hmm.... This is really weird, maybe .minecraft has some secrets to hold? :s

If it was beta I would think it would be because you entered the void..
My best guess is that because it fails when I begin allocating tonnes of memory/using my video card its a problem to do with either video memory or ram but im probably wrong
NewspaperCrane said:
That's an internal exception, and I don't think that it has anything to do with your hardware.

I know it's got nothing to do with my hardware since my hardware is beast. However I meant in terms of how much memory it was allocating when it started up.


This only happened when I tried to open wom on windows 8

Works fine on win 7
it's an error which is caused when a method tries to reference or access a non-existent element of an array. For example in an array of 5 characters, with each element numbered 0-4, the method tries to access element 5. Because there is no element 5 an arrayoutofboundsexception occurs.

Becuause Java is system independent, the operating system should not matter, unless Win8 somehow handles machine code differently (which is probably what is happenning as it is a major update).
shadowwolf5552 said:
You HAVE TO update wom now.

There's win8?!?

I have the latest , well had the latest one.

And go look at my thread for windows 8

It's not out yet (obvs) but I can haz the latest beta