Herd of Brothers (MLP Fan fic based off of Band Of Brothers)


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Herd of Brothers​

The interviewer looked at me and asked, "before we start with your story, I have a personal question for you."

I responded with my grudgy voice and wrinkled mane and face, "Yes sonny.."

"Was it worth it? At the end of the war? All you went through? Did you ever think was all you did worth it?"

I sat there, looking at this young man, my face turning from expressionless to somewhat of emotion.

"Well sonny, I'll tell you this...We did our duty, all my men, in life, in death, here today or not, all thought that. That final day, I stood there, Looking in between the skyline of what was Adhoof Hitler's resort and the continuous mountains that looked to go on forever. I looked at all of us soldiers who had fought, killed, and been killed, over the course of this war. I sat there and thought, was it all worth it? We're those ponys deaths worth it? I would say hell yes.

Every Pony on that field, on that final day, probably, even if just for a moment, thought that same thing, and I can guarantee you, we did it for the country we love. We did it for those who live today, and we did it because it was our duty. Now, do wanna get this interview started or what..."

"What made you want to join the 101st airborne?"

"I was a simple second lieutenant, nothing much, went to officer training school, thought the 101st airborne infantry division would be a hardened group of pony's to fight with, I thought if you had the balls to jump out a plane, landing at the enemy's doorstep, jumping feet first into hell, you have the balls to be a hardened division. Oh boy was I wrong...at first..."

"How was your training in the army" asked the interviewer.

I looked at him and replied, "Depends on what your definition of training was haha. Training for me was galloping, galloping, and more galloping. I knew the reason was to toughen us up, I'm glad a few pony's saw this as well. Most of those pony's, 16, 17 years old, didn't see this. This came to kick them in the flank later on."

"Could you give us a enlightenment on how it was on normady that first night..."

"Oh, *cough* well, settle in and put those questions down, I think this interview might go on for a bit longer then you expected."

As I sat there in that plane, sitting on the steel frame siting, looking across from me, looking at these mares. I looked around at all the pony's, some were old ww1 veterans, some hardened troops that look like they've taken a beating, but most of them, just young, young mares.

What were they doing here....These pony's are barely even 16, what are they doing a thousand feet above normardy, thousand miles away from home. Why didn't they just sign a death warrant on the way onto the plane...

As soon as we flew over from the pacific. We took a shots from German MG 42's every now and then.

I looked at the pony across from me, he looked at me. I was the last thing he ever saw.

Right as he looked up, a bullet pierced the bottom of the plane and shot right through his head.

A piece of his face landed in my lap, some of the men lost there lunch, I just looked at the this mangled piece of flesh and just kept wondering.

"What the hell we're you doing out here in this god for saken war son...."

As we kept on, flying over flat plains, and sleeping enemy positions. I turned over to the private next to me and said

"Hey kid, you got the time."

He turned and looked at me, and looked at my watch, which by god was broken beyond telling what half past shit it was.

I looked back at him and asked

"Well? do you?"

He looked at his watch and said

"1238 sir"

I looked back at the blood sprayed wall, with what was left of the pony lying on it, I looked at the light above me.

It turned red. I stood up, and looked at all my men.

I yelled


All the soldiers stood up standing in file line, at about this point we started to take heavy German anti aircraft fire. I yelled to my men


My mares took there hooks and hooked it to the line above, I looked outside the window and saw the plane, narrowly 70 feet from our wing, take a direct shot straight through the cockpit.

The cabin burst into flames, pony's jumped out of the plane, burning, as they fell to the earth, there parachutes burned up before they could touch the ground. They probably died of burns before they touched the ground, and I only saw 3 men get out of that plane.

I looked at the man in front of me who was looking out the window, his face made him look scared shitless.

I looked down at my men and yelled


My men checked there gear, tied there rifles to there legs, and looked back at me.

I yelled to my men,










I yelled out


I looked at the light in the plane and as it turned green I pushed the ponys and yelled


The first mare jumped, as did the second and third. As it came down to the last mare, he stopped, hesitated, looked at me.

I screamed at him


I pushed him out the door and followed behind him.

I looked down and around me, nothing but flak and parachutes, I saw some pony's shot to pieces before they could even hit the ground.
The poor mare who stopped at the door in front of me had his parachute shot up to pieces. I saw him look back to me as he plummeted to his fate.

I made it to the ground and stumbled and rolled over, I got up, got my Thompson sub machine gun and stood up,

I looked up and saw the sight of a thousand pony's in parachutes falling down.

I looked down at my feet to find the crushed remains of the pony who was in front of me. I simply looked down at him and said

"Welcome to hell..."

Written by - Rsmv2you *to be continued