Hey guys!


New Member
Hello everyone, my name is Stefan, or you can call me by my minecraft name ImLIfe. I play many video games such as minecraft and many others. I play xbox and I love playing mostly halo and battlefield 3. I'm not a big fan of tf2 and I know many people are probably going to get offended when I say that. but anyways I hope I meet some new people on t9k and I will see you at classic ;)
Hey there! Welcome to Team9000!

As much as I am a big fan of TF2, I'm not offended, since people have their own interests. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the T9K fanatics did rage here though.
Hey, welcome to t9k. now, if you excuse me I'm going to leave this thread with a smile *shuts door*

hope I didn't sound mean, I happy that's a new member is here... I'm serious.