Heya =D


New Member
Why hello there, I'm Erik but I go by the screen names Apollo,Apollo54,Apollo99, and Delthas.

Im a major Minecraft addict and major fan of gaming in general. =D (Obviously wouldn't be here other wise uh duh..) Anywho im here because of Ozy haha but other then him I don't think I really know anyone else (well I have met Wooty as well but not well enough to say I know him ^^ So yeah..... HI! haha please dont harm me...

Also here is a list of games I own/play if anyone is interested in playing with me or competing with me for high scores. =D
Alien Swarm (Not installed at the moment)
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Lugaru HD
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
TF2 (not installed at the moment)
Trackmania Nations
World of Goo
Minecraft as said before.
Runescape (yuck haha)
Drift City (games Campus version)

I also used to play maplestory and might consider playing it again if i had people to play with.
Also May consider GunZ again if anyone plays that :P

Anywho hope to see you all online relatively soon. Ta ta for now!
This is just the welcome squad, we say hai to everyone. If you go and post elsewhere you might be subject to my massive amount of trolling.
Or random pictures and videos that most of the time have no reference to the subject. Oh, and people thread-jack your threads. Just a couple of warnings.
Or random pictures and videos that most of the time have no reference to the subject. Oh, and people thread-jack your threads. Just a couple of warnings.
I don't get things off topic unless someone starts going that direction first. And I keep my images to a minimum, usually only the default emoticons like that. So there.
I don't get things off topic unless someone starts going that direction first. And I keep my images to a minimum, usually only the default emoticons like that. So there.
Never said you did not. You are one of the best people for posting here. I never post images unless it is something relevant to one of my threads.
This is just the welcome squad, we say hai to everyone. If you go and post elsewhere you might be subject to my massive amount of trolling.
Haha Trolls will be trolls? Im used to it. haha I Shall not lose to the trolls.. :P

Or random pictures and videos that most of the time have no reference to the subject. Oh, and people thread-jack your threads. Just a couple of warnings.
Sounds like a well brought up community with nothing better to do =D
Haha Trolls will be trolls? Im used to it. haha I Shall not lose to the trolls.. :p

Sounds like a well brought up community with nothing better to do =D

It is indeed. We have raised them well! Now if only could follow instructions... we can be unstoppable...