Hi, I'm blackbat


New Member
Hi all!

I'm blackbat, I'm 20 and I'm from Portugal.
I play MC for about a month now, and never played MP before.
Hope this is more fun than SP :D
Welcome to team9000 Blackbat!

In my opinion, multiplayer is much better than single player! If for no other reason than you can hang out with people, and talk while you're doing your building.
ETA: Eventually. The beta server will return to the normal map when the mods that we use are updated to work with the new version of minecraft, and any exploitable bugs are fixed from the minecraft software.

Unfortunately, we have no control over either of these things.
Multiplayer is WAY better than single player! But you have to deal with the occasional greifer now and then, but its still way better! Anyways, welcome to Team 9000, Blackbat!