HI im masterbuffalo97!


Active Member
hi guys as most of you know me by buffalo97 on the forums my user name for most games for t9k is Masterbuffalo97.
ive been with team9000 since June when i started in mine craft classic, i was quickly promoted to cool and then on to builder rank where i still lay. which i enjoy every minute of :D
Apart from classic i (used to be) on alot in Mine craft team9000 beta server where i was quickly picke up by the great town Caprica and was later promoted to assistant and eventually on to becoming the mayor of the town, since the wipe i haven't been on much. im just waiting for a stable server to be set up (probably not until 1.9's official release) which is okay becuase i still love to do the best i can in classic to assist the admins in catching a preventing griefers and helping out those new guests. i hope to be here for awhile.. so yeah that's who i am :D
I'm Joshuame13, you can call me Josh or Joshua. I've seen you on Minecraft beta, but I don't really know you. I'm also a builder rank on Classic.