Hi There.


New Member
I'm really, really new to Minecraft. Like, this is a post on the first day I started playing around with it.

So, salutations and such, I suppose. My work? It's not fantastic by ANY stretch, but I did manage to build a rather large tower that doubles as a school for Minecraft (Unfortunately at the same time that no one was around to review it as such, and shortly after these screenshots the school was in a grief massacre).
There's no front door, so students have to be dropped in by way of helipad. This is widely accepted as the best thing ever.
A storage room. Not much to see, although there is a table here that doesn't see much use because it's taller than all the students and faculty.
A place to observe the town from up high. The concrete slabs are just provided for courtesy places to sit down, and due to being very uncomfortable are rarely actually used.
A library where newcomers study up on the rules and regulations of not ruining other people's shit. About 15% of the students actually read those books.
A room in the sense of botany, teaching new builders that scenery is important too, and that just a tower made of stone is not really aesthetic.
And now, the school's dark secret.
Nobody sees it besides the owner. He has no other place to store it. One may only pray that this wall is not hacked away at and an evil man simply known as a "griefer" decides to set the payload off for humor.

This has happened three times.

So there we have it, a soulless concrete box that hides the ruin of the entire landscape within.

In conclusion, thanks for reading. See ya when I see ya.
O hai, and welcome(im at school and cant see the pictures{low bandwidth} but will take a peek lata).