

Welcome to T9K friend you can never leave ;u;.
Had to read this several times to understand that you're saying he can't leave rather than calling him someone you can't leave.
Anywho, welcome to T9K, Carpathians. You can never leave. Enjoy your stay.
Yes well I told Ken to join since she needed a forums.
and T9K is a place you can never leave so it is accurate xD.
Aloha Ken! Welcome to Team9000, a place you can never leave, no matter how hard you try.

Fan of Sherlock?
Obligatory welcome friend.
Hope you have an excellent, (or at the very least, tolerable) stay at Team9000.
Elllllllo! I am... The Demon Kitty Queen of T9K. No need to be scared I don't bite. Hard :3. Hope you enjoy your stay here and like they said, you can't leave :3