Hiya Team 9k


Hiya all. I never created a hello thread when I first joined so I figured I would now. :)

My name is Mike, I'm 19 years old. I attend college as a full time student and I love every second of it. I plan to major in Computer Information Systems and minor in business. I am currently holding a 4.0 after two semesters of college.

I joined team 9k because everyone seemed willing to help, and friendly. I've become friends with a few people on this server and I would really love to meet more people. I'm very active on this server and I would love to be able to contribute in any way shape or form to the server. I've always had a strong attraction to games (servers specially) in which the community is nice and care about the well being of its members. The reason for this attraction is quite simple. That's me in a nutshell. If anyone ever needs help with honestly anything, feel free to shoot me a message as I constantly check the forums and can be seen online quite frequently.

If you'd like to know more about me or would like to chat, feel free to message me. I hope to get to know more of you as I rack more time up both in game and on the forums. Talk to you soon :)

Welcome to T9K. Be sure to browse the forums, check out the other games we are playing, check out our mumble server, and all around have fun.