

New Member
I'm leaving dont worry.

and to respond to some of the nastier posts:
some of you have been wronged, and I'm truly sorry. I dont go around trying to hurt ppl. and some of you were banned for serious trolling. oh well.

enjoy your server, website and lives.
I don't really get it, I saw your welcome message like yesterday then you are leaving. Don't get it.
His welcome thread was closed because wooty thought he was mainly advertising. Plus there are a bunch of people with chips on their shoulders for some reason or another that wanted him to leave.
Hey guys, just because you can be jerks, does not mean you should be. Stop trying to act tough over the internet, it does not work. All you are doing is showing everyone how immature you are. I don't care what Garret might or might not have done to you, if he wanted to feel welcome here, make him feel welcome. I really expect better from you guys. Take care Garret.
Hey guys, just because you can be jerks, does not mean you should be. Stop trying to act tough over the internet, it does not work. All you are doing is showing everyone how immature you are. I don't care what Garret might or might not have done to you, if he wanted to feel welcome here, make him feel welcome. I really expect better from you guys. Take care Garret.

Thanks bro !
I also sent Wooty a request to do a link exchange. May be we can salvage this mess
i believe we are both at fault for this mess because some people on t9k did deserve what they got and others didn't but it doesn't mean we can't forgive people. Is this what t9k has turned into, a group of people who can't greet, forgive and forget. Because this doesn't sound like the t9k I know and love.

I have also noticed I have lost my respect from my t9k members because I play on minesworn instead
Of t9k and so im sorry for whatever I did and can we still be friends?

Good luck trying to settle your stuff out Garret.
- From you buddy crypto
Um h0w could I have made professor do anything? Unless you didn't notice that he is a big boy, and maybe, just maybe he makes his own decisions. And I have never forbidden him from coming here.
Come on now hawke, you're being a bit ridiculous, don't you think? ;)

Regardless, I've discussed it with a few others, and we're not interested in any link exchanges at this time. It's time that we go our separate ways :). Good luck with your coding project.
Come on now hawke, you're being a bit ridiculous, don't you think? ;)

Regardless, I've discussed it with a few others, and we're not interested in any link exchanges at this time. It's time that we go our separate ways :). Good luck with your coding project.
Hey guys, just because you can be jerks, does not mean you should be. Stop trying to act tough over the internet, it does not work. All you are doing is showing everyone how immature you are. I don't care what Garret might or might not have done to you, if he wanted to feel welcome here, make him feel welcome. I really expect better from you guys. Take care Garret.
If I could've liked it twice, I would've. Well put and very true, Briggs.