

Well-Known Member
So, a couple of days ago I've bought this game. Actually, I've bought the resist edition which gives you a fancy metal box instead of the usual plastic one, and a couple of extras for multiplayer (a shotgun, a rifle, a drone and a self repairing skill together with the multiplayer mode unlocked, or so it says on the box). To be honest what got me to buy the game was the awesome tv commercial/trailer; i didn't bother looking for any other ingame trailer or reviews. Anyway the game itself is pretty good, the graphics are great, the story is interesting and the weapon set is pretty wide. Now comes the bad part (which is the worst part actually): the single player caimpaign can be finished in about 6 hours, thats what it took me the first time, counting deaths and mission fails. This can be really disappointing, especially if you like the story, as it cuts off a big and interesting part. Basically if you want a game just for single player remove this from your to buy list. However the multiplayer is completely different. The advancement system is like CoD, you gain experience from killing other players and advance in level and rank with it, also the class system is really similar to CoD, as you are able to modify your skills and equipment. The game though, adds somethng more: skill points. Every skill costs a certain amount of points and you can have any number of skills active, given that you have enough points for them. Does that make high level players overpowered? No; even if you had every single skill activated (some are useless, but whatever) it would still be pretty easy for you to meet your horrible death. Another feature of the multiplayer that i love are the drones: these can be bought in battle, according to the one you have equipped, and they can be remotely controlled to go around and kill/spot enemies; though they are easy to kill and they have a limited duration due to the batteries, they are a really good add in the game that give some more challange to the multiplayer itself. The last awesome feature of multiplayer is battle points: just like in battlefield you can use battle points to get some extra stuff: the drones, body armor or air raid. Or, before respawning you can choose to come in game on a veichle using said points. There are a humvee, a semi armored tank, a proper tank, 2 helicopters and a team veichle, which i've never seen but i assume is some kind of transport. Flight isn't like battlefield 2, in homefront even my grandma could fly, the controls are pretty simple and there is no such thing like mouse flight.


-the story is intriguing and won't bore you
-wide set of weapons
-some realistic adds, like batteries on drones, a small amount of ammo in sp that will force you to pick up some other weapon, you get temporarily blind and/or deafend by a nearby exploding grenade
-multiplayer mode is extremely fun and addictive
-balanced classes and equipment

-the sp campaign leaves out the best part of the story
-lack of faction based weapons/veichles

One last thing that isn't really a con but just a "mildly disappointing thing": there are only 6 maps, though they are excellent and they all offer a different set of challanges favouring some class more than others (good sniping sites, narrow alleys and stuff like that), the presence of some extra maps would have been awesome

In conclusion i leave you with this: if you want to buy the game ONLY for single player, DON'T, however multiplayer is totally worth the money. Plus its on steam so you're likely to see it x% off sometime soon! I'd rate this game 7.5/10