How Addictive is Word of Warcraft?

How badly has WoW affected you?

  • 1 - Its so boring its manageable to me

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • 2 - I've lost couple hours of sleep is all, I still make it to do important things in life.

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • 3 - I have missed some lessons in school. My boss/teacher is mildly annoyed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 - I've missed many lessons in school. My boss almost gave me the boot.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5 - I've missed the sun. My skin is pale... I need to play WoW....

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • X - I'm in denial.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Personally, I've never touched the WoW. But judging from mainstream documentaries, WoW is pure evil that is destroying youths in the whole world. But of course, we all know that mainstream media loves to blow spit out of of proportion.

So... I'm asking a TRUE gaming community to provide some feedback. Cuz yeah, this is the best place to start.
I played for a year and half, there were times when my friends talked me into late night/early morning Raids with the guild but it was usually on the weekend. I always knew when I have had enough and I knew when to put it down. There are some people out there who take it way to seriously. I never neglected my friends/family who didn't play. The most annoying part is level grinding, it goes a lot easier if you have a friend for double xp. But after a while it becomes a chore sort-of. I haven't played in about 5 months....I didn't really go through withdrawals, I guess it was just my time to stop playing. Will I pick it up again? Probably not for a while, if I do, it'll be a reunion type of thing because I really enjoyed my guild it was like a mini t9k we all played other games together and had a lot of fun just chatting in Vent, I still have a few good friends that I still talk to that I met through WoW. It all really depends, it's an interesting experience for sure.
I think the level of addictiveness will vary from person to person and their likes/dislikes about a virtual environment and what it offers them. <Sidetrack> For me, my MMORPG fascination begane with EverCrack...err... EverQuest. I actually joined on launch day, when it was dubbed NeverQuest due to the larger than expected playerbase slamming the servers and network capacity issues that plagued it for a few weeks. </Sidetrack>I stuck with it for about 4 1/2 years until Blizzard launched the behemoth that is WoW. I was in the beta for quite afew months and at first didn't see myself giving up EQ, as I was just to used to the gameplay. But it quickly grew on me. I was a die-hard player for the first two and a half years but slowly lost interest as they continued to water down the encounters and making it easier for everbody who could swing a sword or cast a spell to beat everything just to appease the growing mass of players. I still miss the days where there were only a select handful of guilds that would, or even could, take on Naxxramus and the other end boss battles of the day. I didn't much care for the Burning Crusades expansion, but have to admit Lich King was pretty good. I am curious to re-activate just to see how all the original content has been redone as a result of the Cataclysm expansion.

For me the biggest draw and what kept me coming back was the community, or more explicitly, guilds. It was a blast getting to know players from across the country and even world, planning/strategizing encounters, etc. That and some of the games tend to be like playing Solitaire. You keep playing, all the time thinking "ooo, if I just play for another hour I can get this done, and this, and...".
I've played extensively from launch. This poll is ridiculous so I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of my vote, but I'll elaborate my thoughts I guess.

The game as a whole is repetitive and boring if you're all alone. The draw for me was, and probably for a lot of other people, the community. You can get closer to people in a guild that you would think. Find the right guild, get drawn in and make close friends, and not want to stop because playing with them is incredibly enjoyable. The game itself isn't the most innovative or fun thing out there, but I think part of that can be attributed to it's age. This game is 7+ years old now, and with such a large player base still, it's incredible. I think if blizzards next mmo is anything similar to wow, that they have a good chance of killing their own game, because blizzard games really have a large community draw to them and hell if it's a better game with the same community why not change?
I've played extensively from launch. This poll is ridiculous so I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of my vote, but I'll elaborate my thoughts I guess.

The game as a whole is repetitive and boring if you're all alone. The draw for me was, and probably for a lot of other people, the community. You can get closer to people in a guild that you would think. Find the right guild, get drawn in and make close friends, and not want to stop because playing with them is incredibly enjoyable. The game itself isn't the most innovative or fun thing out there, but I think part of that can be attributed to it's age. This game is 7+ years old now, and with such a large player base still, it's incredible. I think if blizzards next mmo is anything similar to wow, that they have a good chance of killing their own game, because blizzard games really have a large community draw to them and hell if it's a better game with the same community why not change?
I think WoW is near it's end. They should release a sequel game (not an expansion) in a couple of years. If it's an improved MMO, it would be a hit.