How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse


Well-Known Member
This is straight from the CDC. It's good to know they're finally taking this seriously. It's a shame I already have my own contigency plan to survive zombies.
:facepalm: At least us gamers know how to survive. I guess we will have to save the world. Typical!
Well they did say it WAS A SPOOF. But gamers prepare be Chuck Greene go to Walmart barricade go play xbox kill zombies JUST LOOK ON MACHINIMA
Well they did say it WAS A SPOOF. But gamers prepare be Chuck Greene go to Walmart barricade go play xbox kill zombies JUST LOOK ON MACHINIMA
There has to be some sort of grammar there.... Somewhere....
Ya, we are mankind's only hope. If something goes down, we will survive the longest!