How to upgrade


New Member
I have pictures that I hope will get me upgraded, but I don't know how to submit them for 'judging' can someone please help me?
You should check here first.

But here it is.
How to attach an image inside your post

You can either upload the image from your hard drive to the forum:
Make sure you are using the "Advanced" posting system (click "Go Advanced" if you just see a little text box.
Use the Attachment Manager to attach your picture or other content.
Click "Add Inline", and your image will be attached within your post.
You can choose "Add Attachment" instead, if you prefer your attachments to be listed at the bottom of your post.

Keep in mind you only get 10MB of attachment space (if you need more, send Wooty a PM)

Do this in to the Minecraft Alpha Applications or the Minecraft Classic Guest Promotions area of the forums, too.

Also, Good Luck!