Howdy All Pt.2

Okay- Holy sh*t. What the F happened to MC? I cant even pull up the correct site to log in anymore!!! For everyones info, i had a few drinks with a friend, and in an apparently dumbass/futile (sp?) attempt of showing my friend MC, I couldnt even bring up the OG site!!! My buzz is making my anger even more vitriolic, especially after reading that Afterglow got wiped. It's admittidly my own fault that i dont have any visual timestamps of its creation, i.e. photos, but I do hope that those who saw it got to see what it couldve become. Maybe they took the fire, for all I know, the same way my Spleef Arena's took off, but it still blows that my MineCraft Vegas never received the noticed it deserved. For those who never knew it, Afterglow featured (all working and real):

The Afterglow Jail. (With 360 degree locked furnace security. Your choice was to serve your term, or die and forfit all your crap.)

-The Sunrise Bakery and Sunset Deli (Sunrise was open till Noon, Sunset open till, well, sunset.)

-"The Howlin Coyote Hotel". (For the cost of 2 Iron ingot for a normal room, with balcony, or the 5 Iron, or 1 Gold ingot VIP room, you would get free admission to the "Afterglow Rodeo" and "The Range", along with 25 arrow's FOR "The Range" and a full meal that included Cooked Porkchop and a loaf of bread.)

-"The Range": A real archery range with three stalls including 25, 50 , and 100 block ranges, along with a full Archery supply shop, with arrow bushels to boot.

I'll reserve my Crown Jewel- The "Afterglow Rodeo" for later, if you all want to hear about it...Im really f-ing bummed that I cant SHOW you all what it was... I even had a "Redstone Torched" Hollywood-Style sign at the top of the Desert Hill I had found, overlooking the entire town.

I need another drink....
