I came back


Active Member
I have a new laptop too~

Only problem is that it won't let me press buttons AND move the cursor with my keypad at the same time, so I still cant really play anything. Like Minecraft. I mean I can play it. Just on peaceful because I can't move and look around at the same time.

If anyone can help me fix this I will be a happy. It's a Windows 8 HP laptop.
I recommend getting a logitech mouse my self, but either way playing with a proper mouse will improve your gaming experience 10 fold (a fellow laptop user with a mouse :D)

funny story I remember playing call of duty 4 and halo ce with a track pad, Im surprised I did as well as I did.

also to fix your current issue I think you have to go into the mouse settings and I'm guessing your trackpad is set to turn off when ever you type (yes I know this is a stupid feature) so if you turn that off it should fix your issue hopefully
Usually with mouse drivers there's a feature that disables the trackpad completely while typing. Better trackpads/drivers can tell whether it's your palm or your finger touching the trackpad so it isn't disabled completely.

But seriously, get a mouse. Playing anything competitive without one will ruin any chances of doing good.
I don't know this person who came back, which can mean only 1 thing:

you aren't even a thing because if you were, i would know you because i am Mighty, i know all.

but anyway hey there and welcome back! :D
I have a new laptop too~

Only problem is that it won't let me press buttons AND move the cursor with my keypad at the same time, so I still cant really play anything. Like Minecraft. I mean I can play it. Just on peaceful because I can't move and look around at the same time.

If anyone can help me fix this I will be a happy. It's a Windows 8 HP laptop.

I recommend getting a logitech mouse my self, but either way playing with a proper mouse will improve your gaming experience 10 fold (a fellow laptop user with a mouse :D)

funny story I remember playing call of duty 4 and halo ce with a track pad, Im surprised I did as well as I did.

also to fix your current issue I think you have to go into the mouse settings and I'm guessing your trackpad is set to turn off when ever you type (yes I know this is a stupid feature) so if you turn that off it should fix your issue hopefully

I have a pink Logitech mouse and it works great! My mouse that come with my computer broked in over time and when I click it dosen't work. :3 it's best to go out and buy one under 10$. Wired or wireless, dosen't really matter, wireless FTW though k.
also to fix your current issue I think you have to go into the mouse settings and I'm guessing your trackpad is set to turn off when ever you type (yes I know this is a stupid feature) so if you turn that off it should fix your issue hopefully
Now that I know it's called a trackpad, I'm looking through the settings and can't find anything like that D: I found the thing that does that while typing. It's called SmartSense and I turned it off so now I can type AND MOVE THE CURSOR EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

A wired/wireless mouse would be neat but I honestly leik the touchpad thing

And don't feel like going out and buying one, cheap or no
Now that I know it's called a trackpad, I'm looking through the settings and can't find anything like that D: I found the thing that does that while typing. It's called SmartSense and I turned it off so now I can type AND MOVE THE CURSOR EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

A wired/wireless mouse would be neat but I honestly leik the touchpad thing

And don't feel like going out and buying one, cheap or no

I understand it is up to you ultimately lol a lot of us find it is better with a mouse. Then again I find trying to head shot people on a track pad a lot more precise. Another option if you like controller gaming is to get a controller ( I have to do this for some of my games [castle crushers] because the devs did a shit job at porting)(and gta cause computer and mouse gta is like a sin). Either way I am glad I was able to help you fix the issue and hopefully your gaming experience improves a lot now.

Because I didn't say it before, welcome back to t9k and I highly recommend getting mumble so you can hang out with us and stuff!
Hello and welcome back.

There are a lot of different mice out there. With my laptop I always used a mouse and a keyboard when gaming. Made my life easier.