I do so believe this required it's own topic.

The following is a line from my 8th grade history notebook I found a week ago,

"Fuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck historyFuck history"

EDIT: Did I say line? I meant the entire page.
Because I used to hate History, and now I know it is an unavoidable aspect of my life and love it :D
But if you look at [gender being debated]'s sig, it seems that [gender being debated] is a woman.
Maybe I'm wrong.