I don't know about you guys, but...


Well-Known Member
I miss Malinax! I was just going through my old forum posts and I found my very first encounter with Malinax, I don't think I have ever laughed so hard. He hasn't signed on in a while, that is upsetting! Do you have any favorite Malinax Moments? Or any moments in general with people who haven't signed on or have left? Find them and post them here!

The thread where I first met Malinax:

Favorite quotes:

*Throws Dismembered body part to Malinax* Eat Troll, EAT! XP

I'm pretty civilized thanks.

Would you like some silverware?
Some of us are just too skillfully classy to be trolled by a gentlemen. I always had very nice conversations with Mal, never got to the troll part. Do miss him round though, he pokes in every once in a while though.
I miss Malinax! I was just going through my old forum posts and I found my very first encounter with Malinax, I don't think I have ever laughed so hard. He hasn't signed on in a while, that is upsetting! Do you have any favorite Malinax Moments? Or any moments in general with people who haven't signed on or have left? Find them and post them here!

The thread where I first met Malinax:

Favorite quotes:
I love this.
I never really met him, but his avatar scared the crap out of me. I definitely don't miss that part of him. :laugh:
I dont have SS or anything, but there was one day, where malinax was giving away random go fuck yourself's at the live stream....was amusing.
"It's ok. It's the thought that kind of counts a little."
"I'm 100% constructive and not off topic 100% of the time 20% of the time."

I have to say, Malinax's humor was pretty amusing. He had that subtle sense in his jokes that made you laugh even if it wasn't meant to be funny. And when he didn't feel like writing a meaningful message on a thread, he usually complained about someone's signature or the fact that they posted the thread in the wrong forum.

"Way to have the longest signature ever."
"Wrong forum bro. Could have been a mistake though."
"Maybe if I didn't despise your stupid big signature."
"How about you just make your signature shorter and everyone wins."
"The topic anywhere on team9000 is offtopic."
"It's ok. It's the thought that kind of counts a little."
"I'm 100% constructive and not off topic 100% of the time 20% of the time."

I have to say, Malinax's humor was pretty amusing. He had that subtle sense in his jokes that made you laugh even if it wasn't meant to be funny. And when he didn't feel like writing a meaningful message on a thread, he usually complained about someone's signature or the fact that they posted the thread in the wrong forum.

"Way to have the longest signature ever."
"Wrong forum bro. Could have been a mistake though."
"Maybe if I didn't despise your stupid big signature."
"How about you just make your signature shorter and everyone wins."
"The topic anywhere on team9000 is offtopic."

I wonder what he is going to say about all of this? Probably wonder why we all are talking about him like he died. Hahaha
I wonder what he is going to say about all of this? Probably wonder why we all are talking about him like he died. Hahaha
R.I.P. Malinax
He was a good soul, had a lot to live for.
Liked to piss people off.
May 23, 1993 - Unknown
Bless his cold heart♥
Even in his exits he was classy.
After a couple of months away from the forums...

Squeebz: Malinax! YOU LIVVEE!!
Malinax: Yes, for now, until these new members drive me away.