I hath returned.


New Member
Hey guys! I know, I know, you want to know why the heck I jumped ship and suddenly disappeared from T9K several months ago. Thing was, when I joined T9K, I joined for Minecraft. Attack of the B Team to be specific. And while it was fun for a while, I eventually had to wean myself off of it. School was catching up, and playing Minecraft isn't exactly good for studying. I really apologize for not saying anything before I disappeared... but at the time, work and school was just killing me, and I had to focus more on those two things than on T9K. But now that I've finally graduated, and it's summer, I have a lot more free time than I used to, and no real reason not to use it up. Though while I usually only get 2 days off in a week, I'll try my best to get on an play with you guys. I really truly am sorry that I dropped off the face of T9K with little to no explanation. If it's anything, I'll offer cookies! Many cookies! Countless!

But seriously. If you guys will have me back, I would be glad to be back.
Hey guys! I know, I know, you want to know why the heck I jumped ship and suddenly disappeared from T9K several months ago. Thing was, when I joined T9K, I joined for Minecraft. Attack of the B Team to be specific. And while it was fun for a while, I eventually had to wean myself off of it. School was catching up, and playing Minecraft isn't exactly good for studying. I really apologize for not saying anything before I disappeared... but at the time, work and school was just killing me, and I had to focus more on those two things than on T9K. But now that I've finally graduated, and it's summer, I have a lot more free time than I used to, and no real reason not to use it up. Though while I usually only get 2 days off in a week, I'll try my best to get on an play with you guys. I really truly am sorry that I dropped off the face of T9K with little to no explanation. If it's anything, I'll offer cookies! Many cookies! Countless!

But seriously. If you guys will have me back, I would be glad to be back.
So that's why you came back, Yu-se-ke?

That explains everything.

Jokes aside welcome back champ :)