I really really need this


New Member
i really need the login password for my aos server because im currently leading a clan and only have this team9000.net server for the clan so plz can u gimme a login password for my server i rlly need it for my clan match or testing my memebers if u give me the login password i would rlly appreciate it
i really need the login password for my aos server because im currently leading a clan and only have this team9000.net server for the clan so plz can u gimme a login password for my server i rlly need it for my clan match or testing my memebers if u give me the login password i would rlly appreciate it
If you're talking about getting admin for a Launch server, I'm afraid that's not able to be done.

But to be honest I don't really know login password you're talking about.
If you're talking about getting admin for a Launch server, I'm afraid that's not able to be done.

But to be honest I don't really know login password you're talking about.
yes i was talking about getting admin place in my aos server we login to admin by doing /login (password) so i need that password so would someone at least tell me how to get one?
This is not a hosting service for you to run your own server for your clan. The servers are available for members and prospective members of the community to use. If you want complete control over a server, I suggest you either set up your own, or rent one from a reputable company. If you are happy with the current set-up, I'd suggest you realize that by playing on Team9000's servers, you're basically a part of the Team9000 gaming clan, and your own claims to running a clan are foundless.

Welcome to T9k! Enjoy your stay. You can only leave once.
This is not a hosting service for you to run your own server for your clan. The servers are available for members and prospective members of the community to use. If you want complete control over a server, I suggest you either set up your own, or rent one from a reputable company. If you are happy with the current set-up, I'd suggest you realize that by playing on Team9000's servers, you're basically a part of the Team9000 gaming clan, and your own claims to running a clan are foundless.

Welcome to T9k! Enjoy your stay. You can only leave once.
Implying that the hard coded advertising for T9k built-in with the launch servers may not lead members of this fellow's clan to our fine community. :P

Reply to OP: Yea sorry lad, admin controls are not setup in the launch servers currently for those who launched it. If you would like to request a feature to be added to the launch page such as gamemode feature or player limit, etc. Please submit a query here with the request. :) Thx for using T9k launch services.
I mean, I LOVE Launch, but it really makes me sick seeing 40 people on the side bar on the home page, and not recognizing any of them.

I mean, if the people who use our Launch are active in the community, we'd be huge.
It's still better than 0 people in the sidebar on the homepage...
You guys are so good at showing how warm and welcoming we are.
Oi you
, I was warm and welcoming :(
Besides, this ISN'T in the introduce yourself forum. This ISN'T some hello thread, what this is, is: "Hello, I don't know you guys, nor do I have any intention of trying to get to know you, but I do need your help so I can use you guys more efficiently."
and this effects you how? I mean Wooty could've easily limited launch based on how long members have been with T9k, but he's decided not to currently. If it becomes an issue of resources used I'm sure he'll do something about it.

Right it's not in the 'proper' forum for "Other Team9000 Services" but doesn't mean we can't be friendly to answer the question and show the lad that "Hey I came for the service, and these guys are pretty cool."
and this effects you how? I mean Wooty could've easily limited launch based on how long members have been with T9k, but he's decided not to currently. If it becomes an issue of resources used I'm sure he'll do something about it.

Right it's not in the 'proper' forum for "Other Team9000 Services" but doesn't mean we can't be friendly to answer the question and show the lad that "Hey I came for the service, and these guys are pretty cool."
I agree with Bored here, regardless of this being in the "proper" subforum, we should be friendly to those asking questions and not make suppositions of their intent.

Anyway, this thread could have been left at Patchouli's responses and Bored initial response. They dealt with the issue succinctly and clearly. As of now, this thread has a chance of becoming a simple bashing of this person over and over with bitter feelings all around.

Let's not go that route and instead end this here. The question has been dealt with, there is no further need to proceed.
I'm torn between welcoming this guy with open arms because he, like me, likes Ace of Spades; and being like "oi, you salad, stop being antisocial. Join the feckin' community already" :confused:

Tbh, I think a lot of people use the launch system without even being an active member, they simply sign up and launch a server. Which in some ways is sort of a dick move, but I guess the service is there so people are going to use it. It's probably best that people are having fun with it, and it providing entertainment, than no-one using it.
and this effects you how? I mean Wooty could've easily limited launch based on how long members have been with T9k, but he's decided not to currently. If it becomes an issue of resources used I'm sure he'll do something about it.

Right it's not in the 'proper' forum for "Other Team9000 Services" but doesn't mean we can't be friendly to answer the question and show the lad that "Hey I came for the service, and these guys are pretty cool."
I understand that this doesn't affect me directly, but we are a community (a rather tight-knit one at that, certainly not the Minecraft Forums, where members join and leave on a daily basis.), and I feel as if the OP could've been stated in a more friendly manner. The title, "I really really need this", sounds very very pushy, then the OP doesn't say hello, or anything, he just states his request (first post on the forums ever, even though he's been around for about 2 weeks, (likely just for using the launch).

so plz can u gimme a login password for my server i rlly need it for my clan match

He's basically asking a bunch of strangers for help with some thing that (in my opinion) he only has a right to be using by technicality. (Unless I completely misunderstand the reason Wooty put Launch up.)

However: I DO apologize for coming off like a douche from the very beginning, welcome to the community, just recognize that we're really tight-knit, this isn't a random forums, we do expect some level of immersion with our members. (I feel kinda haughty saying that, but isn't it true?)
this ISN'T in the introduce yourself forum. This ISN'T some hello thread
The title, "I really really need this", sounds very very pushy, then the OP doesn't say hello, or anything, he just states his request (first post on the forums ever, even though he's been around for about 2 weeks, (likely just for using the launch).
He's basically asking a bunch of strangers for help
Even though that sounds contradictory, I was arguing the point that a "welcome" shouldn't be necessary here, nor was he asking for one.