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I Thought we were BIg!


Active Member
We are no where close to this... i had no idea this server even exist, but it fucking filled with tons of people!

because y'all only play on one server. anyone who's server-jumped for a while knows about them. it's actually a pretty good server.
tWk you obviously do not know how many people use Minestatus.
Legendarycraft is the largest single donator for the sponsored server spots on the main page of Minestatus. Thus it is at the top.
Thus is also gets the most players.
tWk you obviously do not know how many people use Minestatus.
Legendarycraft is the largest single donator for the sponsored server spots on the main page of Minestatus. Thus it is at the top.
Thus is also gets the most players.
lol i know... im just saying we need to compete.
Just like us, they have sub-communities. They're actually really good at what they do.
we aren't arguing that they aren't, they must be really good if they have that many players im not going to lie. but Team9000 is just as good at what we.