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I was banned for aparent grief?


New Member
So I was on guest after finishing my 3 projects to get promoted and after i was done i started to get bored so i went to this huge Pikachu piece that someone made and i wanted to just fiddle around with the water reflections to reflect the sunlight and i was planning on patching it back up after i was done. so instead it was protected and said cannot build on piece "pika" so i saw that and said "oh if i try to break bricks it wont since its protected so ill play with it anyways :)" little did I know doing so got me banned. Now ive learned my lesson i assure this story makes me sound like a griefer but i promise you im not. I would just like to get unbanned since i love your server and art is my life and I love making new creations. please I beg you and have some mercy.

Thank You for your time.
Once Judge Wooty reads this thread he will make an appropriate decision which will, in your case, probably be unbanning. Unless you've griefed before, and then it's just up in the air.
While I dont know you, i will say that i DID see you building today and not griefing, so good luck on the un-ban. and...
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle....
Thank you I appreciate your help klinkman I saw you as well observing. I just hope I am given another chance to redeem myself.