Incorrect birth date.


New Member
Today (July 23) I turn 18. But it was then that I realized that the birth date on my page says July 23, 1994. I was born in 1993. So I should be 18.

Is it possible that someone can change it? So I can get more rights on Mumble. And maybe more rights that I haven't found...
While we are on the topic i also have an incorrect date as my birthday. It WAS correct but one of the admins set it back . my correct birthdate is 5/20/95
People don't often put in their incorrect birthdays. You aren't saying you are 18 just so you can get full mumble privileges?
He just graduated high school. I don't think he's lying...

Well in that case since Cathy says so you must be telling the truth. Man oh man I hope a moderator sees this thread so this individual can get the corrected birth-date that he/she deserves...
Only thing that gives me a feeling that he turned 18 is because he said he became 18 and AFTERWARDS went to game rooms to test out his new priviliges, I dont think anyone would plan the whole thing out
While we are on the topic i also have an incorrect date as my birthday. It WAS correct but one of the admins set it back . my correct birthdate is 5/20/95
but he did lie about his age once, I remember the first time when he joined mumble on the Main Lobby he started talking. It seems that the admins found out about his age and/or got annoyed for some reason then changed it.