Introducing Steam Trading Beta


Well-Known Member
As we all know, Jonas Salk invented money in 1955 so he would have a way to earn a living from his polio vaccine. Before that, people just traded things they found for things that other people had found. So you might "sell" somebody a scrap of carpet, say, in exchange for an old bottle. It was a perfect system with only one drawback: people spent their lives bartering for piles of garbage before dying of polio.

But wait. What if we told you that you could barter for things that weren't garbage, AND not die of polio? Steam Trading Beta lets you securely trade your in-game items for other in-game items from participating games. You can also trade Steam gifts (games on Steam that you've purchased but not yet added to your Games Library).

Want to try it out? In Steam, go to Steam > Settings, and opt into Steam Trading Beta. That's it! Now your Steam Community profile will have an item inventory, and you'll be able to view the item inventories of every public profile in the Steam community.

Now that you've opted into the Trading Beta, you can invite people to trade through Group Chat, and trade with anybody in your Friends List who's also opted in. Just right-click on their name and select "Invite to Trade" from the dropdown menu. Once your friend accepts your offer to trade, a trade window will open up. The first time you open the trade window, a step-by-step walkthrough will guide you through your first trade.

That's it! Opt in and get trading, or surf over to the Trading Beta FAQ for the nuts and bolts. And remember: Trading is still in beta, so don't forget to give us your feedback here on the Forums. Valve you just went Crazy.
I was kind of hoping we'd be able to trade steam games. While I don't think this is likely, because they like money, it would be nice.
I was kind of hoping we'd be able to trade steam games. While I don't think this is likely, because they like money, it would be nice.

It's not because they like money. It's because they are in a licensing hell with over 9000 publishers.
It's not because they like money. It's because they are in a licensing hell with over 9000 publishers.
I could see that being a factor too. But it's the same issue that the major publishers have been complaining about for years with gamestop: if you buy the game from someone else who bought it from the publisher, the publisher still only get's money once. They'd rather sell two copies of the game, and get paid twice.
Ok guys, I got it. Add me on steam: [T9k]shadowwolf5552
I wantz games!
I could see that being a factor too. But it's the same issue that the major publishers have been complaining about for years with gamestop: if you buy the game from someone else who bought it from the publisher, the publisher still only get's money once. They'd rather sell two copies of the game, and get paid twice.
I say they just get over it... I sell my videogames to people all the time. for 20% more.