Is Notch just bein Notch?

I'm so confused by this? I guess I don't understand what they are decoding, can you explain this please...
In one of notches pics there was a hidden image. the black and white one shown. people are now trying to decode this image to find out what it is because it could be a hint towards something important.
He is trolling us.

My decipher, hats in minecraft (following after tf2 of course!) and all the pixels means he is going to add high def support to mc! Duh!

Honestly, I think Notch is just being Notch and is not giving us any new or cool info, just to mess with all the people that want stuff like that. However, I would not be surprised if there is hidden meanings and codes... I guess only time will tell.
After reading through several pages of text and staring at those pictures...
This is too ridiculous to be solved!
'dis be interesting... how someone decoded the pixel picture...

Conclusion: Notch is a supreme troll.
lolz notch trolling with secret msgs, some dedicated minecraft fans to spot this or even look at it for that manner.