Is The Average Over or Not?


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking how thinking can be weird and real deep so that's why I'm pointing this matter out there. This thread was inspired by the first text, Average Is Over written by Thomas Friedman and the other, Average Is Not Over by Leon Wieseltier. Both have a good intake on the perspective issue of future posterity and humanity involved with it. So, first of all, I would like to start by asking what is the average these two men are getting at? In Friedman's text, he describes that society cannot live off of basic standards of living in this day in age due to improving technologies and that each of us must make a leap into the future of the next generation. On the other hand, Wieseltier's counter argument to that is each of us are soul individuals that matter as average people: basically, throw the average away and you get what--a rapid expansion of ideas going nowhere and no one to take care of it.

All I want to know from you guys is what do you think is the better argument from a subjective and objective standpoint? Why should we care and what's our purpose in it anyways? What does this say about our future: improvements or no? Please give feedback and give all serious consideration about it. Thank y'all :D