It's nearly 2014.


Well-Known Member
Computer power has drastically multiplied in the past decades and video games have helped push the envelope of what is possible with todays hardware.
For under $1000, you can build a powerful PC that will allow you to play most of todays top titles on the highest settings.

....and everyone is playing Candy Crush and Starbound. FML
Well, if you could point me to a pc of the caliber you've described within that price-range I would be forever grateful. Otherwise I'll be content with playing Tetris on my Android.
Computer power has drastically multiplied in the past decades and video games have helped push the envelope of what is possible with todays hardware.
For under $1000, you can build a powerful PC that will allow you to play most of todays top titles on the highest settings.

....and everyone is playing Candy Crush and Starbound. FML
Good graphics do not make games good.
BTW this post is just a joke. Not suppose to be taken seriously. I just thought it was funny that we're here in 2013 still playing 2d games lol
Just making light of the situation lol

Trust me, I still play the crap outta 2d games. I also play a lot of emulated N64 games on my PC ;p
And that minecraft, like why do people even play it, when there's games out there that look nearly like real life, why would you even want to play that pc equivalent of lego D:
I thought we were gonna post New Year's resolutions or sum shit.

You know, loose weight, work harder, be nicer to the disabled, etcetera.

You know,
Thass' what I'm doin'
I'm still playing trubes ascond
add me GreenEarth and we can go fast together

oh and tell me your trubes ascond IGN