It's red and hides in a box. [Re-introduction]


Well-Known Member
Wow, it has been a long time.
Too long if you ask me!
I can't even remember what name I went by on here, but I now go by Rache/Dingo. Feel free to even just go 'HEY DUDE' to get my attention, I will always reply.
I have decided to return because I have too much free time. I have missed this place way too much and I had a great time here, so why not come back?
So howdy there guys! Not sure who would remember me, but can always meet new faces around. Always good meeting new people.
Welp, howdy!
you my good child, are a very old member of t9k. Old enough for me not to know you. and that is a problem, becausei know everyone here in some form or another :P

lol, Welcome back to T9K! :D
you my good child, are a very old member of t9k. Old enough for me not to know you. and that is a problem, becausei know everyone here in some form or another :P

lol, Welcome back to T9K! :D
Ah yes, I am a pretty old member aren't I... Well thank you for the welcome back!
Hopefully there are still some people around that remember me!
It's a pleasure to meet you by the way.
Welcome back!

Now grace us with your artwork and great personality once again, as it used to be. :D

Welcome back, again!
Hopefully you wont die again. Dying is rather unfortunate...
We should play mc again sometime, catch up :P
Hey there! Welcome back to T9k RedBox. We are fortunate to have you here again(speaking on behalf of T9k that is because personally I don't know you, but I hope that changes in the future) :D
Thank you so much for all the welcoming back and things ;u;. It feels good to be remembered!
And I promise I won't leave again! Last time it was school and moving and I just kinda forgot, my memory really isn't reliable. But the other day, I remembered all the fun I used to have here, so I came back!