Joining the master race.

Ok, so I've been a console gamer my whole life. I built a gaming PC in 2006, and it ended up being an over-glorified City Of Heroes machine, that occasionally played Battlefield 2.

Fast forward to recently, and those of you following the GTA thread know that I just got me a shiny ass elgato simply because I wanted to chronicle the funny stuff Godlib and I do in GTA 5. That evolved into a desire to live stream, and now I find out that my current laptop can barely handle live streaming, while running the elgato software, and the built in GPU sure as heck doesn't allow dual video from web cam and elgato for streaming. So, now seems as good a time as any to jump in and build a new PC.

So I now have one of these kits on the way.

And one of . these puppies right chere

Any other recommendations? It's been a while since I've done this.
You just have to be a pretentious ass to anyone who plays console gaming. (i.e. Me for the most part)

Your test begins now.

It's so weird, as soon as I placed my order I turned my xbox on and felt like calling myself a peasant. I can only imagine what will happen once I assemble it.